[271 words] Sometimes there are clues which help us to determine which way people are going. A man with a fishing pole and tackle box is going to the pond or lake; a boy with an armload of books is headed for school; a man carrying a lunch box or briefcase is headed for work. In religion we can tell which way some are going by: The company they keep. To run with a worldly crowd can result in worldly behavior (1 Cor. 15:33). The places they go. When Sunday outings and trips interfere with worship services then someone is headed in the wrong direction! (Hebrews 10:25). A little neglect goes a long way (to hell!) (Rev. 3:19). The things they do. When God’s laws for marriage and the family are scorned; when lust and adultery become commonplace behavior, then someone has taken a wrong turn (Matthew 19:9; Ephesians 5:21,25;…