[321 words] “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:4). As wonderful as children are, we as a society would think it foolish to hold children up as the ideal for adults to emulate in every way. Youngsters are shortsighted, tending to choose the things that bring them ah immediate reward. They are often selfish and need discipline to keep them from becoming little “tyrants.” We are supposed to be patient with these weaknesses, because we know that small children are immature. But, according to the Savior, they do have one quality that we should wholeheartedly recommend: HUMILITY! Jesus must have surprised everyone listening to Him when He called a small child aside as an object lesson to His disciples. He wasn’t recommending the concepts of being easily fooled, or lacking in maturity, or the desire for the pleasure of the…