Abide in the Same Calling

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Do the best you can in whatever circumstance you face. Your situation in life is never completely ideal. Make the most of it regardless of the obstacles. There are some circumstances you can change, there are some you cannot. But you can live the Christian life either way. Earthly conditions don’t last. Even here they change quickly. So focus on the state of your soul, not on the advantages or disadvantages of your physical environment.

Joseph made the best out of out a bad situation. So did Daniel. Do your best to have the same attitude. This is Paul’s lesson in 1 Corinthians 7:17-24. He is teaching these Christians about marriage. Some of them were married to non-Christians. That is not the best or ideal situation, but it is not sinful, and God says it is a marriage and so you are to do the best you can. Paul says to stay with your mate (vv. 12-13), even if your spouse is not a Christian.

To illustrate this point, Paul uses other examples. The first is circumcision. This was not just a physical matter. It was a sign of the separation of Jews and Gentiles. Uncircumcision meant you were a Gentile; circumcision signified you were a Jew. Being a Gentile meant you would be shunned by Jews; being a Jew meant you would be resented by the Gentiles. But Paul said it doesn’t matter (vv. 18-19). Neither state makes you any better or worse off in God’s sight. So be content in whichever of these states you were called in and stay there.

The second example is slavery. Many Christians in Paul’s day were slaves. Their situation was not ideal. Sometimes masters were harsh; that is what Peter talked about (1 Pet. 2:18-20). Paul said if you can be set free then use that opportunity (v. 20). If you cannot, then don’t worry about it (v. 21). You can be a Christian and go to heaven either way.

This is a valuable lesson. No matter how good your situation in life is, there will always be things you wish you could change. No matter how bad the circumstances are, you can always be a Christian because you always have a friend in Jesus. “Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:6).

Marriage is not always an ideal relationship. You may want a perfect wedding with a happy ending, but reality can be far different. There are ups and downs. Personalities clash. Sin destroys trust and robs the home of joy. Religious differences cause friction. Children interfere and betray. Death can come calling at any time. The important thing is to trust in God and live for Him regardless of what happens.

Paul said your marital status or the state of your marriage is not what’s most important. Whether you are married to a Christian, are married to a non-Christian, are not married at all, or were married but lost your spouse, his message is the same. This life is short, and your earthly conditions are temporary. It’s your soul that really matters.

A word of caution is in order about Paul’ s words. He is not talking abut sinful situations. He is not saying, for instance, that if you were living in a sinful situation like adultery or fornication when you were baptized, it’s right to stay in that relationship. That would go against everything he has already said. Paul is not telling anyone to stay in an unscriptural marriage. Some have abused this passage to try to justify unbiblical unions, and this is twisting what Paul said.

Kerry Duke

West End Church of Christ

Livingston, TN

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