[377 words] Hamor and Shechem mistakenly said of Jacob’s sons, “These men are at peace with us” (Genesis 34:21). The wise woman of Abel told Joab, “I am among the peaceable and faithful in Israel” (2 Samuel 20:19). Near Gebor the descendants of Simeon found a place to dwell that was “quiet and peaceful” (1 Chronicles 4:40). Isaiah spoke of how God’s people “will dwell in peaceful habitation” (Isaiah 32:18). In each of the above passages, the King James Version uses the word “peaceable.” What does it mean to be “peaceable”? Consider these definitions: • “inclined or disposed to peace” (American Heritage Dictionary) • “disposed to maintain harmony or tranquillity” (Wordsmyth) • “inclined or disposed to avoid strife or dissension; not argumentative or hostile” (Dictionary.com) • ”behaving or happening in a way that avoids arguments and violence” (Macmillian Dictionary) • ”free from private feuds and quarrels; quiet; undisturbed; not agitated…