[238 words] On March 12, 2019, federal prosecutors disclosed a conspiracy to influence admissions decisions at several American research universities. A number of parents of college applicants are accused of paying large sums to misrepresent student test scores and bribe college officials to get their children into top tier universities. Accused of this crime are two well-known actresses, a football star, several top executives of well-known corporations, a book author, and other rich people. My question is: Even though over 50 of the rich and famous are be-ing accused of this crime, why has most of the focus been on actress Lori Loughlin? Is it because she has declared Christian beliefs and morals? The world loves to see Christians fall. They also love to hear that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23) and “Judge not that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1ff) mainly because they think these scriptures justify their own…