Is It Wrong To Not?

[396 words]

Is it wrong to not use an instrument of music in worship service? Is it wrong to not drink alcohol? Is it wrong to attend every church service?

Now the opposite of these topics often draw many articles and lesson, as people are curious to find out the limits. But one rarely claims fault when one is not on the outer edge.

In the book of Job when the text is describing the righteous nature of Job it says:

When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts” (Job 1:5). Thus Job did continually.

Did you catch that? Job was as concerned about the things that might have been done wrong as much as what was done wrong. Job wasn’t just counting up to what he had to offer to cover up his and his sons sins. He wanted to be extra careful to make sure that nothing could have been done that might had been against the Lord. He was erring on the side of caution, sacrificing just in case, keeping it in the middle rather than hugging the edges.

Many of these types issue have a right answer from the Lord if we will study them carefully, but I wonder if it says something out our mentality when we concentrate on trying to find the limits of what we can or can’t do rather than seeing to make sure we are right where we want to be.

Rather than seeing how close to the edge we can get before we fall off, shouldn’t we be thinking about how we can make sure that we are well short of the line, so we know we are not falling to our doom. If I’m not sure something is right but I know something else that is why should I risk it? Why try to do less when I know how much is acceptable? Why do more when I’m not told it is acceptable to do so? Why get out of a place that I know is safe?

Let’s do above and beyond in what we know is right, rather than seeing how close we can skirt the edge.

Barry Haynes
Hope church of Christ
Hope, AR

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