[386 words] There is more than one way to defeat an army. Head-on clashes with the enemy work – if you’re stronger. A sneakier approach is to cut off the enemy’s supply lines. This tactic has been used for centuries. Soldiers need food, medical supplies, and ammunition. If you can find a way to disrupt the flow of these things you have greatly weakened your opponent without even firing a shot. Hungry soldiers don’t fight very well and eating the questionable leftovers can be a problem. (Napoleon lost more soldiers from spoiled food than from bullets). You can be sure that our enemy, the devil, uses the same strategy. God is stronger so head-on attacks are not Satan’s best option. Jesus says about His sheep that since God is greater than all “no one can snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28). With God we are undefeatable! To win…