[329 words] “There they crucified Him” (Luke 23:33). At the heart of the gospel is a cross. Three important events took place at the cross. Jesus died there. Matthew says that Jesus “Yielded up His spirit” (27:50). Luke says “He breathed His last” (23:46), John said the soldiers who examined the body of Jesus at the cross “Saw He was already dead” (19:33). Mark says Pilate confirmed by asking a centurion if Jesus was already dead so he could release His body to Joseph to be buried and “He was already dead” (15:43-45). Jesus poured out His blood there. Jesus had earlier said when He instituted the Lord’s Supper in the upper room that His blood would be poured out (Matt.26:28). He gave His life on the cross and poured out His blood of the new covenant. Jesus poured out His blood there ”for forgiveness of sins” (Matt. 26:28). Peter…