Some See Less as Better

[293 words]

There are some times when less is better. Sometime the less words we speak the better. The less fat intake, the better. The less sin, the better. Sadly, some see less as better in their Christian lives:

  • Less time for worship
  • Less time for Bible study
  • Less time for gospel meetings
  • Fewer verses sung in worship
  • Shorter sermons
  • Fewer fellowship meals
  • Less Bible knowledge
  • Less visiting of the sick and shut-ins
  • Less evangelism
  • Fewer days for VBS
  • Shorter prayers
  • Fewer works of the church that require our time

When a church makes a decision to do less, many rejoice. They praise the leadership for freeing up their time. They are glad that an hour of service to God has been eliminated from their schedule.

If the leadership will not make the decision, sometimes Christians just lessen their Christian service on their own.

When did less become better? I thought our service to Christ was supposed to be a lifestyle, not a part-time job. I thought it was supposed to be an addiction, not a rehab that removes our addiction. I thought it was supposed to be a total commitment, not take it or leave it.

“He that taketh not his cross and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it; and he that loseth his life shall find it” (Matt. 10:38-39).

Luke’s account adds four words to the first verse. “And he said unto them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Did you hear the four words? “Let him deny himself.”

My friend, less is not better when God wants your all.

Victor Eskew
Oceanside church of Christ
Atlantic Beach, FL

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