[301 words] Overheard at the Mall: “I just dread the Christmas season.” When I heard these words, I felt sorry for the one speaking them. To me, this time of year lifts my heart because of three nostalgic reasons. First, I remember how my parents (especially my mother) worked hard to make this season of the year special for our family. We didn’t have much money, but we took out time to do things together. We looked at Christmas lights, we went caroling, took the holiday tour at Mrs. Baird’s bakery, saw the decorated windows at Thorntons, etc. These things didn’t cost a cent but I loved everything we did. Each year, I strive to do this for my family. Second, I remember how Mom believed Jesus when he said: “it is always better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). We made things to give. We baked cookies and…