[302 words] The kingdom of Christ has the following positions available for immediate employment: Ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) – Must be willing to represent Christ honestly, honorably, and faithfully. Bakers (Matt. 13:33) – Must be able to add leavening properly. Farmers (Matt. 13:3) – Must be willing to rise early and sow the seed in all kinds of weather. Fishermen (Matt. 4:19) – Must be very patient and skilled. Guards (1 Tim. 6:20) – Must be able to stay alert at all times. Harvest Workers (Matt. 9:38) – Must be able to work hard when the harvest is ready without complaining. House Builders (Matt. 7:25) – Must be skilled and knowledgeable of proper foundation work. Investment Bankers (Matt. 25:14-23) – Must be willing to take risks for maximum return. Merchants (Matt. 13:45-46) – Must be honest and well-respected. Messengers (2 Cor. 8:2-3) – Must be consistent through wind, snow, sleet,…