Pardon Without Penalty? 

[333 words] According to Numbers 13, when the spies returned from their forty days of investigating the land God had promised them, there was a divided opinion presented to the people. It was not a difference involving facts. All twelve spies agreed that the land was good. In fact, it “flowed with milk and honey” (Num. 13:27, 14:8). The difference was in regard to faith. Ten said, “We are not able” (13:31). Two said, “we are well able” (13:30). Sadly, the congregation believed the negative report. They complained against Moses and Aaron, criticized God, determined to go back to Egypt, and even called for stoning those who disagreed with them. God was angry. He threatened to strike the people with pestilence and disinherit them (14:12). Moses pled for his people and God heard his plea. God said, “I have pardoned according to your word” (14:20). Yet, God added that none…

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