[293 words] What impact should you as a Christian have on society? Should you be passive or active in the lives of the people around you? How do we help people become better? How can we help the sinner become a saint? We are sometimes reluctant to become involved in social change. We would rather let our acquaintances “discover” that we are Christians than to talk to them about Christianity. We prefer to coexist with rather than to confront sinners. And we often ignore sin rather than to expose it even though we would never engage in it. The early church got involved. They changed lives by exposing sin wherever it was found, even among politicians (Acts 24:24, 25). They confronted sinners “head on,” even sinners in the church (Acts 5:1-11 [lying]; 1 Corinthians 5: 1-13 [sexual sins, covetousness, revilers, drunkards, etc.]). They lived exemplary lives and proclaimed the gospel…