What Is Edification?

[300 words] “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19). Edification is not a word we use in everyday life. We don’t hear or read about it in the news. It’s not usually found on any TV drama or comedy. However, the Bible urges us to “make every effort to do what leads to” peace AND edification.  It is obvious that peace is linked to edification, but what is it? To edify someone is to encourage them. It is to give another support and confidence as they strive to do God’s will.  There are a lot of things and people who discourage others. Without a healthy dose of encouragement, it is easy to become depressed and lose hope. I remember working in a secular job in Fort Worth during one of Texas’ economic downturns. I spent hours and weeks developing…

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