[439 words] People in the valley often have little perspective on how big the mountains really are, how long the range is, or what is waiting on the other side. Isn’t it wonderful to know that whatever valleys life tries to shove us into, God has provided perspective we badly need, yes, even crave? What really gets you down? Maybe economy, politics, sorrow, trouble, rumors, falsehood, families, wars, persecution or simply dread of the future? What valley are you walking through? The challenge in the valley is this: remembering that God is bigger than all those things and works His purposes despite (and often because of) those things being present (Romans 8:28). Consider how better to cultivate God’s perspective in the valley: Turn off or minimize messages that cause you to focus on the valleys. Want to get depressed really quickly? Look at news, newsfeeds, front page articles, conspiracy theories,…