A Worthy Woman

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“A worthy woman who can find? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trusteth in her, And he shall have no lack of gain.” (Pro 31:10-11).

A worthy woman, similar to a worthy man, is not one with an outward appearance that is so attractive a man says, “I just have to have her!” This empty expression reflects poorly on the one who says it. A worthy woman is more than appearance, though she may give attention to how she appears to others. One’s appearance is not worth the price of fine jewels, but is only surface deep.

A worthy woman is one who has the love of God, first, in her heart. Following that, in marriage, she has the love of her husband within and has no other desire that to reflect his best interest. It is a mistake to think and say that if she does this, somehow she is not doing that which is beneficial to herself, only serving the interest of another. Is that so? Hardly! To serve another is to serve herself. The Lord’s apostle said to the Ephesians, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God” (5:21). A spirit of deference goes a long way to creating a strong relationship, a strong marriage. Because her interest is the Lord and her husband’s, “She doeth him good and not evil all the days of her life” (31:12).

Ron Thomas
Sunrush church of Christ
Chillicothe, OH

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