Creation of the Master Artist

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I came across this article in the book, Grandma Says by Chrissy Lynn.

“As a child, I watched my grandmother create magnificent quilts out of scraps. She was from a different time – almost a different culture. The Great Depression taught her to use what she had and to not waste anything. Her appreciation of beauty taught her to create wonderful designs. One winter’s day, when I was 11, I took the time to really look at all the quilts she had made. Each one was different – each was an artistic masterpiece. I commented on this. With a wink, Grandma said: “I’ll show you something much better.”

“We then bundled up and went out into the frozen back yard to watch the snowflakes. After a few moments, Grandma said, ‘You know that each snow flake is completely different. Each was designed by the Master Artist.’

“Today, children are taught this about the lovely snowflake. But to this 11-year-old, it was the first I’d ever heard of this truth. But then, Grandma told me something even more astounding. She said, ‘However, there is something even more beautiful yet unique.’

“What could that be? What could be more beautiful and more ‘one of a kind’ than your quilts or God’s snowflakes?” I asked.

“With a smile, she said: ‘You are! God created you. And you have a beauty that is all your own.’”

The fact is, you are wondrously made and worth more than all the treasure in the world. That’s why David the prophet said, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:14, KJV).

And Jesus added: “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7). 

Larry Fitzgerald
Woodlawn church of Christ
Abilene, TX 

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