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Influence is the force by which we have an effect upon the life of another person. We each have influence. The power of your influence is staggering. You want to be a good influence for Christ!

Attempts are made to minimize the power of individual influence. We hear statements like, “I don’t have any influence” or “My influence doesn’t go very far.” The truth is every person has influence. Your life has an impact on the lives of other people!

Your life affects the lives of your mate, children, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. Your influence affects your associates at work and play, in the neighborhood and community. Your life even affects those who observe you from afar. We cannot know how many lives we touch.  We can know that we touch many lives!

The Master used three metaphors to describe the influence of His disciples. He said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). He said, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven” (Matthew 13:33). In addition, the apostle Paul said, “Clearly you are an epistle of Christ” (2 Corinthians 3:3).  Salt! Light! Leaven! Epistle!

How is our influence like salt? Salt preserves, purifies, and gives flavor. Its presence makes a difference. How are our lives like light? Light illuminates, guides, and warns of danger. It is conspicuous. How are our lives like leaven? Leaven is a silent, slow working force. It changes from within the substance with which it comes in contact. How are our lives like epistles? As a letter conveys the expression of its author, we are to present the true expression of Christ to the world.

In the community, on the job, in our recreation, at school, at home, and in the local church, let us dedicate our lives to being a positive influence for Jesus Christ! Let us use our influence to win souls to Christ, to build up those who belong to Christ, and to glorify God!

You are salt – what are men tasting? You are light – what are men seeing? You are leaven – how are you moving others? You are an epistle – what are men reading?

Dwight Fuqua
Findlay church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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