[311 words] Psalm 103, attributed to David, is a wonderful psalm of thanksgiving. It would help us greatly if we read it frequently and remembered its lessons constantly. We immediately notice that expression “Bless the Lord,” repeated five times within the twenty-two verses. We are not really surprised to see these words come from David, a man who was full of praise for His God. But, we need to see more from the psalm. We see a choice. David tells himself to be thankful. The human mind can be encouraged to be thankful of thankless. We cultivate love, wholesome thoughts, and gratitude by choice. The same mind can choose hatred, evil thoughts, and ingratitude. Paul would list worthwhile things and encourage, “meditate on these things” (Phil. 4:8). We see the considerations, “His benefits” (2). It hardly seems necessary to remind people of God’s blessings. Or, is it? Did the Israelites…