[309 words] We have reduced the church to a counseling center helping people cope! God made the church a salvation center teaching people how to live. We do not merely need therapy—we need the WORD! We don’t just need Bible scholars—we need Bible lovers! If you honor the Word, God will bless you! You must read 2 Timothy 3:15-17. This bulletin will preach! The Bible teaches us “How to be saved.” Timothy, from the cradle, had been steeped in scripture. His teachers? Mama! Granny! Paul! The Word produces salvation. Why preach anything but Jesus? There is nothing else to preach! Brethren are starved for basic Bible preaching. Start with the Bible…stick with the Bible…stay with the Bible. The Bible teaches us “How to grow up.” The Word is doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction, perfection. Biblical ignorance and spiritual immaturity are “Killers”! These are always the two problems threatening the church. Hebrews…