[588 words] Language is constantly changing (and not always for the better!). With texting and posting on social media have come a whole host of abbreviated words and phrases. I do not know them very well, but I do know a few of them. Likely you do, too. Using some of them, let me offer the message of the gospel in “modern” language (note: if you do not know or cannot figure out some of them, ask a young person or google it!). HLO HWRU? I would like 4 U 2 give some THOT 2 your FUCHA. U C,God LUVS U & wants U 2 B saved N HVN 4EVR (2 Pet. 3:9) where He has promised eternal R&R (Rev. 14:13). That’s Y He sent Jesus, His 1 & only Son, 2 die 4 U & me (John 3:16). It is the GR8ST way that God could say, “I LUV…