Lessons from a Skunk

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Back when I was a teenager, I and my brother were helping my dad with his lake cabin. While I was unloading some plumbing supplies, Gary was pulling off some trim from the crawlspace. Suddenly, my brother let out a yell, and a distinctive smell filled the air. It was the smell of a skunk. It had taken up residence under the cabin.

There is an old saying: “if it smells like a skunk, it is a skunk.”

In our society, it is not unusual for people to label sin as good. But it doesn’t matter how much the spin doctors try to convince us, sin is sin. And those who say otherwise face judgment.

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).

Larry Fitzgerald
Woodlawn church of Christ
Abilene, TX

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