[175 words] I’ve had the privilege to walk the cobble stone streets of the biblical city, Joppa. As I walked on the streets of that city and looked out at the Mediterranean Sea, I couldn’t help but remember two significant biblical events that took place in this city. The first one involved the prophet Jonah. It was in Joppa where Jonah decided to flee from God by getting on a ship and disobeying God’s call to go preach to the lost of Nineveh (Jonah 1:3). The second noteworthy event that took place in Joppa was when Peter received a vision instructing him to take the gospel to the household of Cornelius (Acts 10:1-22). Two men. Two calls. Two responses. From Joppa, one man fled from God while another heeded God’s instructions. Every day, we walk the “streets of Joppa,” and are confronted with a decision. Will I heed God’s call,…