[373 words] Recently we had a lot of bananas get really ripe, so I started to make a big batch of banana muffins. I took them out of the oven, gave them a taste, and realized right away that something was wrong. I had forgotten to add the butter. I had put the amount of butter called for by the recipe in a bowl and melted it in the microwave. There it stayed, forgotten, until I discovered my error. The muffins tasted…alright, but they weren’t what they could’ve been if I had not failed to add this critical ingredient. What is your missing ingredient(s)? In Mark 10:17-22, a man, described as a “Jewish leader” in Luke 18, comes to Jesus with an important question: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” After telling him to follow the law, the man asserted that he has done so since his youth. Jesus…