Please Read This Slowly and Think!

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Submitted by a member at East Hill church of Christ. The following questions were contained in a bulletin from January, 1943.

1. Does your life please God? Do I enjoy living the Christian life?

2. Am I studying my Bible daily? How much time do I spend in real prayer?

3. Have I ever won a soul to Christ? Am I trying to win any soul to Christ?

4. Do I cherish in my heart a feeling of malice or hatred toward any one?

5. Do I estimate the things of time and eternity at their true values?

6. ls there anything I cannot give up for Christ and His cause?  

7. How does my life look to those of my neighbors who are not Christians?

8. Where am I making my greatest mistake? What is my greatest fault?

9. Do I place anything before my duties to God as a Christian?

10 . Am I honest In my stewardship of the Lord’s money?

11. Is the world a better or worse place for my having lived in it?

12. Am I doing anything that I would condemn in others?

Powerful questions that every child of God should consider. Our Master has charged us with taking the “good news” to every creature, in every generation. That solemn charge was not given to just a chosen few, but rather to every saved saint. If you know “what you did” and “why you did it” then you know adequately to talk to others about Christ.

via East Hill church of Christ
Pulaski, TN

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