[152 words] 1. You are in the heat of anger (Proverbs 14:17).2. You don’t have all the facts (Proverbs 18:13).3. You haven’t verified the story (Deuteronomy 17:6).4. Your words will cause the weak to stumble (1 Corinthians 8:11).5. You are joking about sin (Proverbs 14:9).6. You would later be ashamed of what you said (Proverbs 8:8).7. The issue is none of your business (Proverbs 26:17).8. You are tempted to tell an outright lie (Proverbs 4:24).9. Your words would damage someone’s reputation (Proverbs 16:27).10. Your words could destroy a friendship (Proverbs 16:28).11. You are cursing someone (James 3:9).12. It’s time to listen (Proverbs 13:1).13. You are continually complaining (Proverbs 19:13).14. You are just flattering someone (Proverbs 28:23).15. You are supposed to be working instead (Proverbs 14:23)….