Why Your Family Needs to Be in Worship

[241 words] It is important for family to worship together. The God who created each and ordained marriage and the family knew the importance of families worshiping together. To a woman who had miserably failed in her family life, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him” (John 4:25). The Father does not need our worship to be a better being or a better father. One cannot improve on perfection, but the Father knew the need for each of us to worship. The old adage, “A family that prays together stays together, ” is true. One just does not find those in the divorce courts that are truly committed and serving God. Families should worship for three major reasons: (1) God commanded it (Heb. 10:25); (2) for the influence…

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