[547 words] Voter fraud is not new. We should not be surprised. Politics brings out the worst in people—pride, greed, lust for power, and dishonesty. Why would anyone think we have risen above ballot box manipulation? Many times in our history corrupt men have used intimidation, false registration, bribery, and vote alteration to steal elections. Perhaps just as often it is very hard to prove these crimes in court. The “winner” and “losers” are not always decided on a fair basis. There is another election that is exceedingly more serious. The Bible says that Christians are the “elect of God” (Col. 3:12). Thankfully, we are not elected by a human vote. When we are baptized for the remission of sins, God adds us to the church (Acts 2:38, 47), Upon the basis of that decision God chooses or elects us. In fact, in a way above our feeble comprehension Christians…