[326 words] We hear much about “witnessing for Christ” in our present day. Even some of our brethren are taking to using it. The denominational world uses this expression to refer to “a special working of grace.” A dictionary definition is in order. Webster’s Collegiate gives this: “Testimony, one who beholds or has personal knowledge of, to have direct cognizance of or to observe with one’s own eyes.” The Greek word martus or martur is defined by Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words as: “to aver what one has seen, heard, or knows” or “to observe.” Actual usage in the Bible is in Acts 1:8, 22; 5:32; 1 Peter 5:1. These are but a few. Each time the term is used in the sense of stating what one has actually seen or observed or has direct knowledge of. Brethren who use the term do not use it in any of…