[274 words] I love being a child of the King! Why? First, Christians have a family. God designed the physical family in the paradise of Eden (cf. Genesis 2:7; 18). Most of us enjoy that blessing from God. In the New Testament, God gave us a second family—relationships with other church members. If our physical family fails us, especially, God has given us the substitute of a family in Christ (cf. Mark 10:29–30). Christians love to sing of this truth: We’re part of the family, that’s been born again,Part of the family,whose love knows no end, For Jesus has saved us,and made us His own,Now we’re part of the family that’s on its way home! Second, Christians have a function. Our foremost purpose in life is to bring glory to our Father (cf. Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:12). Therefore, our aim is to do “in word or deed” all we…