Outline: You Never Know Where It Will Grow

[EDITOR’S NOTE: With spring just around the corner, it might be a good time to encourage your congregation to engage in seed planting! Here’s a sermon that discusses the different ways that seeds are planted.]

Introduction. A man planted some cherry tomato plants in his back yard. Instead of removing the entire plants at the end of the season, he allowed their fruit to fall to the ground. The next year he got some surprising results. Due to raking, tilling, mowing, and wind, tomato seedlings popped up all over his yard! He was always pleasantly surprised to see how vibrant and robust those tomato seeds were, coming back year after year.

The Word of God can be surprising, too. You never know where it’s gonna grow. The Bible tells us that the Word of God is incorruptible seed by which man can be born again, 1 Peter 1:23. When that seed is received, it is “implanted,” James 1:21 tells us, and that implanted Word is able to save our souls.

Recall what the apostle Paul said about planting seeds in 1 Cor. 3:6-8. When we sow a seed, we never know when someone else will come along and water. And we can be sure where the right planting is done, and where water is available, that God will be responsible for the increase. Here are some tips to help us make the most of our seed-planting opportunities.

How does the seed get planted? We know the Word of God is like seed. Remember the Parable of the Sower, Luke 8. The seed here is being broadcast. But who will sow? We’ve been given the responsibility by God to plant the seed He has given us. Matt. 28:19, Romans 10:14. The seed is to be distributed, and others taught how to plant, 2 Tim. 2:2. How does the seed get planted? It has been given to us, and it is our responsibility. But how do we do it?

It can be planted by direct teaching. This teaching is most often left to evangelists, elders, and certain teachers of the church. But it should not be restricted to these! The Bible shows us instances of Christians teaching non-Christians, like Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:6). We can do the equivalent today by studying the Bible with a neighbor, friend, or family member.

It can be planted by indirect teaching. This way includes bringing others to a teacher, like Andrew did for his brother Simon Peter (John 1:40-42). Some ways of doing this includes encouraging someone to visit services, encouraging someone to request a correspondence course or giving them tracts, encouraging someone to request a private Bible study.

It can be planted through benevolence. Remember Nicodemus in John 3. He came to talk to Jesus because of what he saw Jesus do for people. We can’t do miracles, but we can help others with things they need (Gal. 6:10). Food and clothing for people in need can be a door opener! And if it does not open a door all the way, perhaps someone else comes along and waters later!

It can be planted by example. First Peter 3:1 says wives can possibly win the souls of their husbands to Christ by their own good conduct, even without saying a word! This shows the power of the example of obedience to Christ. Paul was ready and willing to be such an example (2 Thess. 3:7-9). Jesus says that our love for one another can show people we are His (John 13:35). Also our example of unity can be powerful (John 17:21). The world does not believe one can be a Christian only, outside of a manmade denomination. We must show them the possibilities!

Conclusion. The things God wants us to do may seem like a whole lot of work, but many seeds can be planted if we take the time to recognize opportunities. 

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