[398 words] The “One Spirit” is the Holy Spirit. He is a person, not an it. He is known by several different names throughout the Bible: Spirit of God (Matthew 3:16), Spirit of the Lord (Luke 4:18), Spirit of Truth (John 16:14), and Comforter (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost are one and the same. He is mentioned together with God the Father and God the Son in Matthew 28:19; Acts 17:29, and Colossians 2:9, making him deity, one of the three in the Godhead. He is God the Spirit. The Spirit is the revealer of the Truth, the mind of God. We are to live according to the teaching of the Spirit, not after the flesh (Romans 8:1,4). We do this by living according to the WORD of the Spirit, which was given by inspiration from the Father in heaven. It was the Spirit who guided the…