[358 words] In the Psalms, we see a certain eagerness and excitement connected with the “house of the Lord.” Now, the Lord’s house in those times was the tabernacle (and later the temple), and also used symbolically as faithfulness in God’s kingdom. But for today, we know that the church (the people of God) is the house of the Lord (1 Cor. 3:16; Eph. 2:19-21) and we need to be a faithful part of it. Knowing that, let’s look at a few verses from the Psalms about the house of God, what the Psalmist felt about it, and apply it to Christians and the church today. “I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Psa. 23:6; see also Psa. 27:4). The Psalmist wanted to make sure that he was always connected to the Lord’s house. Christian, can you honestly say that you always be a part of the…