[272 words] There are more than 300 predictive prophecies in the Old Testament Scriptures concerning Jesus that were recorded centuries before He was born. Each was accurately fulfilled. Unlike modern predictions, note one of the predictions concerning Jesus missed the mark. Have you ever seriously analyzed the implications of those signs? Peter Stoner, a renowned mathematician, calculated the odds of just eight of the 300 predictive prophecies having been fulfilled accidentally in the life of one man. The odds are one in ten to the seventeenth power (a ten with seventeen zeros following it!). I used my computer to do a few calculations in order to make that huge number sink in a little more sensibly. A dollar bill is six inches long. It would take 10,560 dollar bills laid end-to-end to extend one mile. The moon is about 239,000 miles from the earth. Thus, it would take 2,523,840,000 dollar…