Recommending the Great Physician

[304 words] A critical Pharisee once asked why Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. The Bible says, “When Jesus heard that, He said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick’” (Matthew 9:12).When we are sick, it is to our great benefit to see a physician. This trained professional will look at our symptoms, diagnose our issue, and prescribe a course of action that will put us on the road to recovery. If we wish to be cured, we will take the prescription. What would we think of someone who said, “Don’t go to the doctor! Stay sick! Waste away with your disease!” We would rightly regard them as kooks. Yet, this is exactly what this Pharisee was advocating on a spiritual level. Many take physical illness so seriously. They will spend their livelihood (and the livelihood of others) on…

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