[145 words] The following acrostic describes many of the attributes and behaviors that God expects of elders. We can read more about what God expects of elders by reading Eph. 4:11-16, 1 Tim. 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5. E – Encouraging members, enthusiastic about the Lord’s work. L – Leader, looking after one’s own spiritual life, learning about the people one serves, loves what is good, lording not over the flock. D – Dedicated to God and His teachings disciplines those who disobey God, doing God’s will, devout. E – Example, elder (mature in the faith), exercising oversight not under compulsion, equipping the saints. R – Responsible for the congregation, right with God, respected by members of the church and outsiders. S – Shepherd, spiritual, stays faithful, serving, studies God’s word. When you find men, who have these attributes then you will find the men that will faithfully…