[185 words] Smiling is a natural reaction to having a happy heart. I’m not talking about a smirk, leer or a sneer but a genuine, radiant, beaming smile. Actually, there is a lot about “smiling” in the Bible although the actual word isn’t used much in most English translations. For instance, Proverbs 15:13 in the old King James Version talks about “a cheerful countenance.” An easier version makes the translation clearer. “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” And, Psalms 34:5 uses the phrase “radiant faces.” Cheerful countenance, happy heart, radiant face … what great descriptions of someone who is genuinely happy! Did you know that God smiles? That is what is meant by Numbers 6:25: “The Lord make His face shine on you. And be gracious to you.” Numbers 6 is talking about God smiling on (or because of) you! Happy hearts produce smiling…