[540 words] In the early 16th century, William Tyndale made it his purpose to translate the New Testament Scriptures, written in Greek, into the language of his people, the language of England. Getting word of this, “Edward Lee, the king’s almoner [giver of alms] and future archbishop of York…” heard about it. He reported back to the king, “I am certainly informed that an Englishman, your subject, at the solicitation and insistence of Luther [Martin Luther], with whom he is, hath translated the New Testament into English, and within a few days intendeth to arrive with the same imprinted in England. I need not advertise your Grace what infection and danger” an English Bible represented (God’s Bestseller by Brian Moynahan, 2002, p. 76). Most people today have no understanding of the treachery perpetrated against those who loved the Lord and His Scripture, and their desire to get His message into…