Bearing Fruit

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In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus tells the “Parable of the Fig Tree.” A certain man had a fig tree in his vineyard and one day went to get some of the sweet fruit but found none. He then told the gardener to cut down the tree because it had been barren for three years and was just using up good space in his vineyard. The gardener must have been fond of the tree, and he asked if it could stay one more year while he gave it special care. If the tree bore figs, then good, if not, then he would cut it down. The story abruptly ends, and we don’t know the fate of the fig tree, but the message of the story is very clear. God wants those in His vineyard to bear fruit!

Bearing fruit is mentioned at least 50 times in the New Testament. So, we might ask, “What exactly does bearing fruit mean?” Bearing fruit means going out and making disciples and baptizing them (Matt. 28:19-20). Bearing fruit means continually and regularly offering worship to God in spirit and truth (John 4:24; Heb. 13:15). Bearing fruit means feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, taking in the stranger, and caring for the widows and orphans (Matt. 25:34-40; James 1:27). Bearing fruit means loving, encouraging, and edifying your church family (John 13:34-35; Col. 2:2; 1 Thess. 5:11). Bearing fruit means I will do my part so that the church will grow as God gives the increase (Eph. 4:16; 1 Cor. 3:7).

However, the barren, fruitless branches of John 15:2,6 are taken away, cast out, and thrown in the fire. Like the fig tree of the parable, there is no room in the Lord’s kingdom for the fruitless Christian. God wants His people to bear much fruit, so let us all be busy in fruit production!

Jay Launius
Maud Church of Christ
Maud, TX

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