Why We Fail…Sometimes

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Let’s just face the facts: Sometimes we fail. However, Jesus never fails. Multiplying the loaves and the fishes is one of the most amazing of all Christ’s miracles. Jesus set aside laws of physics and science to multiply and magnify matter. At the same time He multiplied and magnified His name.

When He was faced with the unrealistic challenge of feeding a hungry multitude, the apostles felt defeated and destroyed. The events they faced seemed like they were just too much. How in the world were they to go forward and continue to help others. Philip tried to calculate the cost of a feeding that would allow each person to get what they wanted (John 6:7,11). He knew that they were unable to do this on their own. Jesus in a feat of magnificence showed why He was the true Bread of Life (John 6:35). The question becomes why did the disciples feel hopeless and defeated?

They Underestimated Themselves. Phillip quickly calculated that it was too big of an endeavor and just knew that they could do nothing. He did not say it was a bad work but just felt they were not the ones to do it.

They Underestimated the Power of Small Things. The disciples were unable to see the potential in the small amount they already had collected. They had everything they needed except an accomplishing mindset.

They Underestimated the Power of God. This was the most serious mistake they could have made and is one of the failures we make also. He could do anything and still can. We just have to remember that He is in control. We just have to remember that His power is greater than anything upon this earth!

Jonathan Burns
Findlay church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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