Danger of Drowsiness

[280 words]

Being sleepy at the wrong time and in the wrong place can be very dangerous.

Drowsy driving can slow down thinking and reaction times—affecting our judgment and vision. Not to mention we could outright fall asleep and wreck, injuring ourselves and/or others.

An estimated 1 in 25 drivers report having fallen asleep while driving in the last 30 days. Another estimate indicates that up to 6,000 fatal crashes occur each year.

This is serious!

What do you do to try and stay awake if you should start getting sleepy while driving? Roll down the window and feel the fresh flowing air? Turn up the music and sing? Drink a caffeinated beverage?

But what if we are spiritually drowsy?

According to Mark 13:32-37, the danger of spiritual drowsiness is very real and very serious too. Jesus makes it clear that drowsiness leads to…

Deception. None of us likes to be tricked, or lied to. We want to know the truth! Being sleepy makes it easier for us to be fooled. Note Mark 13:1-8, 14-23 (particularly verses 6 and 22). They had been warned, but in their stupor, they did not believe the Lord and were deceived. 

Division. Have you ever said things you didn’t mean when you were tired? We all have. Sleepiness can lead to arguing and division. Note Mark 13:9, 12; 14:32-42 (the world will try to divide us, we must stay vigilant)

Destruction. Note Mark 13:36. What do you think happens to the sleeping servant when the master of the house returns home? Serious punishment is sure to come! Today could be the most consequential of all days. Are we awake?

Bart Warren
South Green Street church of Christ
Glasgow, KY

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