We Must Be Ready

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Recently I read an article with this title: “10 of the Fanciest Entries from the World Beard and Mustache Championships.” As I continued to read I found that about three hundred men, from nine different countries, spent the entire year trying to win the title: World’s Greatest Beard. This made me think about what people are driven to do in this life and what Christians should be driven to do. There are three things that the Christians could learn from those that wanted to be the World’s Greatest Beard Champion taken from Matthew 25.

We Must Be Prepared. The parable of the ten virgins teaches us the lesson of preparation (Matthew 25:1-13). In this parable we learn that five were prepared and five were foolish. The five foolish virgins were not able to use the preparation of the five wise virgins. When they did not have enough oil to light the way they needed to leave and obtain more oil. We must note that the five foolish virgins wanted to be with the bridegroom but were simply unprepared.

We Must Be Patient. The parable of the talents teaches us the lesson of patients (Matthew 25:14-30). Out of the three entrusted with working the master’s possessions one fell impatient with his task. He in turn hid the treasure given unto him. Being patient keeps us watching and working for the Lord. Will we watch or grow impatient (1 Thessalonians 5:6)?

We Must Be Judged. Continuing in Matthew 25 we discover that all men will be gathered and separated one from another. This tells us that the judgment will be a separating of two different classifications of people. Many times we call this the dividing of the Sheep and Goats. Those classified as wicked will “go away into everlasting punishment” but those classified as righteous will go “into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46). We simply must take the time to do what it takes to be Prepared, Patient, and Judged.

Jonathan Burns
Findlay church of Christ
Sparta, TN

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