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There was a man named Naboth who had a vineyard that was located next to King Ahab’s palace. (1 Kings 21) The king decided it would make a good vegetable garden for himself and proceeded to make offers to Naboth for the property. Because the vineyard had been in his family for generations, Naboth graciously declined the king’s offer. Ahab became very upset and began to pout, lying in bed and refusing to eat. His wife, Jezebel, asked the king what was wrong and after hearing his complaint, devised a murderous scheme to obtain the vineyard. Soon, the plan was executed and Naboth was stoned to death. Jezebel tells Ahab that Naboth is dead, and the king immediately takes possession of the property. However, the word of the Lord comes to Elijah telling him to warn Ahab of impending doom because of the vineyard. After hearing that he and his family would be cursed, Ahab repents of greediness and the Lord relents from the calamity planned for the king.
If we are honest, there has probably been a time that we desired something so bad that we used schemes and manipulation to gain possession of it. Maybe we told a little lie, shifted the household budget, or worked overtime on the Lord’s Day to get extra money to buy the “thing”. But we must always remember Jesus’ warning concerning our materialistic desires. “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
Jay Launius
Maud Church of Christ
Maud, TX