[245 words] Consider a man that most would consider the epitome of a good man. He serves at his church, he gives of his means, he prays daily, never misses Bible class, and has no vices to be seen. He has the “pure and faultless” religion James tells us about, he helps widows and is concerned for the kids. Yet this man, on certain occasions when he is mad or challenged when he is tired or frustrated, will say sometimes he shouldn’t. Just a slip of the tongue. He didn’t mean much by it. An angry outburst, a half-truth, a bit of gossip, a hint of slander, an insult, a dig, not much of anything. Just some words. Now what does that make of his religion? The Bible says it is worthless. “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own…