Stepping Toward the Future

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The new year will soon be upon us and I’m sure we are all individually making plans for our future. As we make steps toward completing our desires and expectations, there are some things to remember. The great apostle Paul can help us through his example in Philippians 3:12-14.

As we step toward the future, we all need to remember that it needs to be…

…a step forward. It is important that our plans and actions be steps of progress. Too many Christians do not plan for the future. They seem to live in the present or, even worse, in the past. It is important to plan and move forward. Paul recognized the need to be “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead” (v.13). He did this by having a “goal” and “upward call” to reach toward (v.14). We should also.

…a step in faith. It is vital that we move forward in faith. Too many folks get bogged down in doubt and dismay. As we step forward, we are stepping into the unknown – thus the need for great faith. This means that even though we do not know what the future may hold, we do know Who is already there – Almighty God. We move into the future with faith in Him that He will be there for us and He will ensure success if we act according to His will. Paul could “reach forward” for the “upward call” because it was in “God and Christ Jesus” (v.14). His faith in God caused him to step forward. Let us do the same.

…a step of function. It is critical that we also conduct ourselves properly – that we make concentrated efforts in implementing our plans. I have found that a lot of people plan but do not do. It is critical that we work tirelessly, persistently, and unwaveringly. In the passage we have been examining, Paul said: “I press on” (v.12) and “I press toward” (v.14). Paul made mighty efforts, through thick and through thin, for success – and we must as well.

“Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind…” (Philippians 3:15)

Edd Sterchi
Broadway church of Christ
Campbellsville, KY

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