[136 words] Among many other events in this book of history, 1 Chronicles 10 records the death of Saul, the first king of Israel. Saul had so much potential! He was tall and handsome (1 Sam. 9:2), had some humility about him (1 Sam 9:21), and more importantly he was the one the Lord had chosen (1 Sam. 10:24). And yet, Saul disobeyed God and lost the Lord’s support. In his descent into madness and evil, Saul tried to kill David multiple times, and eventually was wounded in a battle with the Philistines to such an extent that Saul committed suicide to keep from being captured. There is a huge lesson in this to us all. When we focus on self and ignore obedience to God, we will always end up going the wrong direction! Matt CliftonFast Bible Facts podcaston YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts…