[138 words] The history of Israel is filled with kings who followed God, and kings who did evil in his sight. Between good King Hezekiah and good King Josiah, there was evil king Manasseh. During his time of evil leadership idolatry was rampant, and apparently the book of the law was lost. While Josiah was cleaning out and restoring the temple during his religious reforms, the Book of the Law was found by Hilkiah the priest. When the book was read before King Josiah, he tore his clothes and mourned because Israel had not been faithful to the Lord! Some people think it’s okay to ignore the word of God, having a “what I don’t know won’t hurt me” attitude, and counting on God’s mercy. Josiah knew they were in trouble, however, because they had not been obeying the Lord! Matt CliftonFast Bible Facts podcaston YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts…