[123 words] Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl; One was an optimistic soul,But the other took the gloomy view: “We shall drown,” he cried, without more ado.So with a last despairing cry,He flung up his legs, and he said, “Goodbye.” Quoth the other frog with a merry grin, “I can’t get out, but I won’t give in.I’ll just swim ’round till my strength is spent.Then will I die the more content.” Bravely he swam till it would seemHis struggles began to churn the cream; On the top of the butter at last he stopped, And out of the bowl he gaily hopped. What of the moral? ’Tis easily found:If you can’t hop out, keep swimming ’round. Lord Robert Stephen Smyth Baden-Powell…