Free Church Pews

[318 words] I recently saw an ad in the classifieds for free church pews. A local church was giving away 20 perfectly good traditional wooden pews with padded backs and seats. Now I’m assuming that they are replacing the wooden pews with nice padded folding chairs, as is the practice of many churches today. I…

One Step at a Time

[186 words] One of the most vivid images in the Bible is what we read of in Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” This presents a powerful picture, especially in the context of those who lived in biblical times. In the times of the Psalmist,…

The Best Investment

[172 words] There is an old saying I used to hear. It is: “a rooster one day and a feather duster the next.” This is a Texas way of saying that you shouldn’t “crow like a rooster” (boast) about what you have, because it could all disappear tomorrow. This reminds me of Proverbs 23:5 –…

Evidence of His Handiwork: Bees Outsmart Scientists

[210 words] Scientists have long recognized that bees are intelligent creatures. Many believe that this intelligence is the product of millions of years of natural selection. But the extremely fast learning ability of the bee puts in doubt the millions of years and instead shows the hand of the Creator. Researchers at Princeton University decided…

In Times of Stress

[197 words] In Psalms 56, we read David’s words during a time of extreme stress. There came a time when the young warrior was captured by the Philistines in the area of Gath. You will recall that David defeated and killed the Philistines’ beloved warrior, Goliath, in battle (1 Samuel 17). Goliath’s hometown was Gath.…

What Every Christian Needs

[243 words] “But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). In our confused, broken, and chaotic world, there are some fundamental things every person needs! Yes, they need each of these things. These things are not to be taken lightly or dismissed as trivial. They…

Jesus Christ is First!

[178 words] In 3 John 9-10 we read John writing, “I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he…

Just the Bible?

[258 words] Have you ever thought, “Are there any churches that use just the Bible?” We are trying. When you visit us, you will not find a creed book. You will not find a set of written rules or traditions that must be obeyed. We have no earthly headquarters, no earthly president, and no board…


[352 words] The word “great” has been used a great deal. Many times it is used to refer to a singer or actor. During this time of year, a football team may be called “great” after winning the Super Bowl. The word itself means that something is superior to something else. The word “great,” however,…

Did You Know This About Ezra?

[83 words] Although the book of Ezra bears his name, the prophet himself is not mentioned until the 7th chapter.  The book of Ezra shows how God fulfilled His promise to return His people to the promised land after 70 years of exile, but He did so in two separate waves. The first was led…

Did You Know This About Nehemiah?

[148 words] Nehemiah helped lead an effort to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. At the beginning of the book, he is living in Persia in the palace of King Artaxerses, working as his cupbearer. When he heard a report about the wall of Jerusalem being broken down, he was determined to help.  Like Moses about…

Did You Know This About Esther?

[161 words] God is not mentioned a single time in the book of Esther. This has led some people to claim the book should not be included in the Bible.  However, there are a few good reasons to know that God is deeply involved in the events of this book. First, Mordecai told Esther that…

Did You Know This About Job?

[130 words] The book of Job gives an account of events that happened to a man named Job, and deals with the questions such as why the righteous suffer, and the sovereignty of God over His creation. Due to some of the things mentioned in the book, the action likely takes place in the patriarchal…

A Wise Father

[113 words] During the frontier days in the United States, the driver of a covered wagon stopped his horses on the street of a young town and called to a passing man, “Hey, any saloons in this place?” “Sure, we have four!” the man replied boastfully. “Giddap,” the driver shouted, urging his horses on. “Stop,”…

God is With You

[129 words] Joshua was taking over the leadership of the people of God, and knew that Moses left some big shoes to fill. But God gave him the assurance he needed to lead the people into the promised land. He told him to “be strong … do not be afraid…for the Lord your God is…

The Right Road

[85 words] 1. The right road is a way of purity and holiness (Isaiah 35:8).2. The right road is protected. “The redeemed shall walk there” (Isaiah 35:8–9).3. The right road carries you forward. It is a guide for your life (Isaiah 35:8).4. The right road is a way of praise (Isaiah 35:10). Which road are…

How Much Does It Cost?

[81 words] The cost of consecrated living for Christ can be high. • Abraham had to yield up his son (Genesis 22:1–19).• Daniel was cast in the lions’ den (Daniel 6).• Stephen was killed by stoning (Acts 7).• Paul spent years in prison (Act 7).• Jesus died on the cross (Hebrews 12:2). How much does…

A Closer Look at Jude 24

[53 words] Now (that’s the present) to Him (that’s the Person) that is able (that’s His power)to keep you (that’s His protection)from stumbling (that’s to make you perfect),and to present you faultless (that’s to make you pure) before the presence of His glory (that’s His prestige)with exceeding joy (that’s our pleasure)…. We are sorry, but…

The Ironies of Calvary

[66 words] Man of sorrows, Prince of Peace, Son of Joy, Man of griefs, Wounded healer, Rejected King, Earth’s disdain, Salvation’s wing. Friend of sinners, Friendless One, Men charge sin to the Holy Son, Innocent, yet judged with guilt, Had no home, but mansions built. The irony Christ was and gave, Buried, yet o’ercame the…

God Knows Best

[189 words] Our Father knows what’s best for us,So why should we complain …We always want the sunshine,But He knows there must be rain …We love the sound of laughterAnd the merriment of cheer,But our hearts would lose their tendernessIf we never shed a tear. ..Our Father tests us oftenWith suffering and with sorrow,He tests…

We, the Church

[111 words] ‘Tis joy, O God, thy church to be,Blood purchased by thy love,Part of thy eternal purpose,It’s glory from above. The holy bride of Christ the Lord,Made clean and sanctified.In holiness we live our lives,That He be glorified. The body of the Son of God,His work, we e’er perform.We are His eyes, His hands,…

The Optimistic Frog

[123 words] Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl; One was an optimistic soul,But the other took the gloomy view: “We shall drown,” he cried, without more ado.So with a last despairing cry,He flung up his legs, and he said, “Goodbye.” Quoth the other frog with a merry grin, “I can’t get out, but…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 13:10-17

[68 words] “And the __ came and said to Him, ‘Why do You speak to them in __?’” “For whoever has, to him __ will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken __ from him.” Which prophet does Jesus quote in this section?…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 13:18-23

[100 words] This section has as explanation of the parable of the __. The __ seed is the one who hears the word, and does not understand it, and the __ one snatches it way. The __ ground is the one who hears the word and receives it with joy, but stumbles under tribulation. “Now…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 13:24-30

[98 words] “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed __ seed in his field; but while men slept, his __ came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.” When the grain sprouted, the __ also appeared. “So the __ of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 13:31-35

[91 words] Which kind of seed does Jesus call the “least of all the seeds?” “…but when it is grown it is __ than the herbs and becomes a __, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” “The kingdom of heaven is like __, which a woman took and…

Quotes and Sayings (March 2025)

“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” — Doug Larson “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.” — Henry Van Dyke “Music comes from an icicle as it melts,…

On the Lighter Side (March 2025)

Scientists have found a way to genetically cross a praying mantis with a termite. In other words, they’ve created an insect that says a prayer before it eats your house. — It was the day of the big sale. A long line had formed by opening time. A man pushed his way to the front…

Why Your Family Needs to Be in Worship

[245 words] It is important for families to worship together. The God who created us and ordained marriage and the family knew the importance of families worshiping together. To a woman who had miserably failed in her family life, Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the…

A Worship Experience

[304 words] When it comes to corporate worship of the church, should Christians seek a worship experience or seek to offer worship? Should followers of Christ choose a worship style that suits them, or worship by divine biblical design? How much of our worship style is left to liberty and tradition? When considering the state…

The Road to a Serpent’s Bite

[397 words] The wise man Solomon gave specific warnings that most people ignore. He said that a loose tongue will get you into trouble (Prov. 18:7). He warned that pride will bring a man low (Prov. 16:18). He said that toying with lust is like playing with fire (Prov. 6:25-29). Millions pay a heavy price…


[234 words] Tact is one of the lost arts of the twenty-first century. Someone has defined tact as the art of removing the stinger from the bee without getting stung. Harry Truman, put it this way, “Tact is the ability to step on a man’s toes without messing up the shine on his shoes.” At…

That Sharp Stone in Your Heart

[158 words] My Cherokee grandmother used to say that there is a very sharp, triangular-shaped stone inside your heart. Every time you do something that violates your conscience, that stone turns a little and makes a small, very painful cut in your heart. However, if you break your conscience many times your heart no longer…

Commands from Christ Are Not Optional

[422 words] I recently read a Bible Q&A article written by a denominational preacher. In it he was asked, “Can you go to heaven if you ‘trust’ Jesus as your Lord and Savior but you are not yet baptized?” He began his answer by saying: “Yes. Baptism has nothing to do with salvation.” Later in…

God is Always Concerned

[228 words] “Vain life under the sun” is the majority theme of the book of Ecclesiastes. As you read you see the emptiness of earthbound life as it flows from the ink on the printed page. The inspired writer was not the first to ask the soul searching questions found in this great book. People…

The Salutation of our Life

[443 words] In 2 Corinthians 3:2-3, Paul tells the church of God at Corinth, “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone…

The New Birth

[508 words] As we continue to settle in to a new year, it seems appropriate to consider once again the concept of the new birth. The following is a portion of a conversation Jesus had with a teacher of the Jews. “Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the…

What Are We Constant In?

[194 words] For many of life’s endeavors, success is about consistency. Can you do something not just once but over and over again for a prolonged period of time? Everything, all the time, without fail? How about success in pleasing the Lord? What would God’s will be that we do, always, without quitting, in all…

From Slaves of the Devil to Slaves of God

[436 words] Christians should condemn slavery, yet there is a kind of slavery that the Christian should be involved in. This type of slavery involves a person’s willingness to either be a slave of God or a slave of the devil. The word translated servant in King James Version in this passage literally means slave…

Let God Make You Over

[320 words] In the book of Jeremiah, we get a very visual picture of us and God working in our lives. In the opening verses of chapter 18 are these words: “The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying: ‘Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you…

Don’t Forget Who You Are

[574 words] In 2012, Steph Curry was in his third year of professional basketball. He was well on his way in establishing himself as a premier point guard. Then, his world came crashing down when he injured his foot. He missed the rest of the season, and his foot required surgery. This was his second…

Listen and Believe

[178 words] “Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord” (Psalms 119:1). “How can a young (person) keep his way pure? by guarding it with God’s word” (Psalms 119:9). “Receive with meekness the implanted word of God and it will save your soul” (James 1:21). “Faith comes by…

What Are You Worth?

[222 words] “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31). The term “sparrow” is the name…

Watered-Down Preaching

[218 words] “We have watered the truth down until the solution is so weak that if it were poison, it would not kill you, and if it were medicine, it would not cure you.” — A. W. Tozer Five characteristics of watered-down preaching: 1. It has few, if any, Scripture in it (2 Tim. 4:2;…

Did You know This About 1 Kings?

[126 words] First Kings chapter 3 records the time God came to King Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” Solomon’s first thought was that God had been kind to his father David, and had also give David an heir to sit on the throne. In his humility, Solomon admitted…

Did You Know This About 2 Kings?

[138 words] The history of Israel is filled with kings who followed God, and kings who did evil in his sight. Between good King Hezekiah and good King Josiah, there was evil king Manasseh. During his time of evil leadership idolatry was rampant, and apparently the book of the law was lost. While Josiah was…

Did You Know This About 1 Chronicles?

[136 words] Among many other events in this book of history, 1 Chronicles 10 records the death of Saul, the first king of Israel.  Saul had so much potential! He was tall and handsome (1 Sam. 9:2), had some humility about him (1 Sam 9:21), and more importantly he was the one the Lord had…

Did You Know This About 2 Chronicles?

[94 words] Though David was not allowed to build the temple of God due to the blood on his hands, David’s son Solomon completed the temple according to God’s plan. Second Chronicles 7 records the dedication of the house of God. One amazing fact about the dedication is that on that day, Solomon offered a…

The Joyful Life

[44 words] May the grace of Christ our Savior, And the Father’s boundless love With the Holy Spirit’s favorRest upon us from above.Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord; And possess in sweet communion Joys which earth cannot afford…. We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Thank You God for Your Gift

[61 words] Thank You God…For the One who is WonderfulProviding wonders to my lifeFor His help as CounselorEasing my worry and strifeHe is the Mighty GodDoing great things for meHe is Everlasting Father?Granting a blessed eternityAs the Prince of PeaceHe calms my inner beingPraise the given Son!Given free and ever freeing! Edd SterchiBroadway church of…

The Best of All

[45 words] Blessed Bible, sacred treasure,Precious book, of all the best,There is comfort never failing,And a calm abiding rest.Read with reverence, and commit it,Verse by verse, and day by day;”Tis the word that God has spoken,And it cannot pass away. Fanny Crosby… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only.…

The Spirit’s Light

[41 words] The Spirit breathes upon the Word,And brings the truth to sight;Precepts and promises affordA sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred pageMajestic like the sun;It gives a light to every ageIt gives, but borrows none. William Cowper… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:31-37

[71 words] Jesus said blasphemy against the __ __ will not be forgiven men. “Anyone who speaks a __ against the Son of __, it will be forgiven him…” Jesus said a tree is known by its __. “A good man out of the good __ of his heart brings forth good things, and an…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:38-45

[90 words] The scribes and the Pharisees wanted to see a __ from Him. “For as __ was three days and three nights in the belly of the great __, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” “The queen of the __ will rise…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:46-50

[68 words] True or False: In this section, Jesus’ mother and sisters came while He was speaking to the multitudes. Jesus family members sought to __ with Him. “Look, Your __ and Your __ are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.” “And He stretched out His hand toward His __ and said, ‘Here are…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 13:1-9

[92 words] On this day Jesus went out and sat by the __. “And great __ were gathered together to Him, so that He got into a __ and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.” “Behold, a __ went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside;…

Quotes and Sayings (February 2025)

“They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything” — Bil Keane “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” — Charles M. Schulz “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never…

On the Lighter Side (February 2025)

A Valentine from the Garden Cabbage always has a heart; Green beans string along. You’re such a Tomato, Will you Peas to me belong?     You’ve been the Apple of my eye, You know how much I care; So Lettuce get together, We’d make a perfect Pear.     Now, something’s sure to Turnip, To prove…

Sermon Outline: The Tragedy of Fruitlessness

(Luke 13:6-9) You Can’t Excuse No Produce“A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.” (v.6) Fruitlessness is Uselessness“The he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none.…

Three Words That Change Everything

[257 words] There are three words, that if we really believe them, will change our perspective, our outlook, our attitude – our everything! What are they? Well, let’s let one of the great people of faith, Abraham, tell us. In Genesis 22, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Now, consider the fact that…

An Old Piece of Furniture

[283 words] One popular hobby among crafters and do-it-yourselfers is that of furniture restoration and with current social media platforms, “furniture flipping” has drawn even more interest. There is something intriguing about taking an old, worn-out chair or table, which would be considered useless junk, and bringing it back to life, thus making it useful,…

Are We Practicing What We Think?

[247 words] When surveyed, 75 percent of Americans think the nation’s morality is heading downhill. Almost a third of respondents said that moral decline was a result of people not reading the Bible, 88 percent of them own a Bible, 80 percent think it is sacred, and 61 percent wished they read their Bible more.…

Reasons to Read the Bible Each Day

[322 words] There is no way to know all the challenges, trials, triumphs, and sorrows the year will bring. However, one thing is certain: you will have a better year if you read the Bible each day. The following are reasons to read the Bible each day: Read the Bible to increase your faith. “So…

Christ the Hope of the World

[464 words] What do the words “No Hope” bring to your mind? Perhaps it is when a loved one was sick, a soldier missing in action, or a number of other things. Suicide prevention centers often use the motto, “Where there is hope, there is life.” Humanity needs Hope but a Hope that lasts forever.…

The Sting of Death

[463 words] A particular church received personal greetings from the Kejave Medical Center staff in Kenya and read of the following amazing story. Eight-year-old Monica broke her leg as she fell into a pit. An older woman, Mama Njeri, happened along and climbed into the pit to help get Monica out. In the process, a…

I’m Bored!

[243 words] “You also say, ‘Oh, what a weariness!’ And you sneer at it” (Malachi 1:13a). So said the Lord to the priests of Israel concerning their worship. They didn’t specifically say they were bored, but it’s rather obvious! Boredom occurs when one is uninterested, and Israel’s priests had virtually no interest in faithful worship.…

Your Choice

[204 words] In the Canadian Rockies is a stream called Divide Creek. At a point in its course the creek divides around a large boulder. Waters which flow to the left of the boulder rush on into Kicking Horse River and finally into the Pacific Ocean. Waters which travel to the right flow into the…

Food for the Soul

[293 words] Many find the teachings of God’s word distasteful. Unwilling to bring their lives into conformity with the will of God, they reject His teaching and follow after their own desires. The apostle Paul warns of such in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 where he writes, “For the time will come when they will not endure…

Christianity in Common

[361 words] The beautiful thing about the gospel is that it brings people together. People from every race, nationality, gender, and social class have united under the banner of Christ. People with every background imaginable have dropped off their baggage at the foot of the cross. One could travel the world and find the New…

Shake It Off and Step Up

[265 words] The parable is told of an old dog that fell into a farmer’s well. After assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the dog but decided that neither the dog nor the well were worth the trouble of saving. Instead he planned to bury the old dog in the well and put him…

Having Requires Striving!

[119 words] When I was a little boy someone in the family (which often meant me) had to do the churning. More valuable than the butter was the lesson that having requires doing and that very little comes to man except through exertion. One reason we do not find more valuables is our inadequate search.…

He Who is Grateful

[114 words] He who is not grateful for what he does have will not be happy with the things that he desires to have. He who is ungrateful in little will also be ungrateful in much! If we are not thankful to God for the blessings He bestows, what reason is there to expect Him…
Nadab and Abihu

God Means What He Says

[186 words] God killed two priests. They were Moses’ nephews, Aaron’s sons. They were burning incense in their censers as priests were to do. They were supposed to light the incense with fire from the altar. Instead, they used unauthorized fire from elsewhere. Immediately, fire came from God and consumed them. Moses said to Aaron,…

To Soar As Eagles

[225 words] The eagle is the national emblem of the United States. It is a big bird with broad wings and the eagle flies very high. And even their nests are high off the ground in inaccessible places. Isaiah compared the righteous person to the flight of an eagle. “But they that wait upon the…

A Challenge For One Month

[168 words] 1. Resolve not to miss a single service of the church. No excuses this time but, for a change, made a few sacrifices for the Lord. 2. Try praying every time you have a problem or decision to make. If you feel the slightest need, pray! And while you’re at it, try praying…

Top 10 Predictions for 2025

[156 words] As we see the beginning of a new year, with all the problems the world is facing, it can be unsettling, but there are some things of which we can be sure. Here are ten predications that will to come true this year! 1. The Bible will still have all the answers.2. Prayer…

Did You Know This About Joshua?

[135 words] After everything the Israelites had seen—the ten plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the manna, the fall of Jericho, the sun standing still—they still had idol worship among them.  That is why Joshua had to tell them, “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this…

Did You Know This About Judges?

[128 words] After the conquest of the promised land and the death of Joshua, the Bible tells us that “another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord, nor the work which He had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). A phrase that is repeated four times in Judges is, “…in those days there…

Did You Know This About Ruth?

[187 words] Of all the passages taken out of context, perhaps Ruth 1:16-17 is one of the biggest! During the time of the judges, an Israelite woman named Naomi found herself a widow. She had left Bethlehem with her husband and two sons to go to Moab, due to a severe famine. While there, her…

Did You Know This About 1 Samuel?

[113 words] First Samuel records the progression of leadership over Israel from judges to kings.  Samuel was the last judge, and served also as a prophet for the nation. His mother, Hannah, had prayed for a son, and promised him to the Lord. He was very young when God called him into service. Samuel remained…

Did You Know This About 2 Samuel?

[164 words] The prophet Samuel anointed two kings: Saul, and then David. Saul died in disgrace, but David died in satisfaction.  Among David’s last words were the assertion that God has “made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure” (2 Samuel 23:5).  Regarding this promise, we read in 2 Samuel 7:16,…


[33 words] ‘Tain’t what we have, But what we give,’Tain’t what we are, But how we live;’Tain’t what we do, But how we do it—That makes this life worth going through it!… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet…

God the Architect

[86 words] Who Thou art I know not,But this much I know;Thou has set the PleiadesIn a silver row;Thou has sent the trackless windsLoose upon their way;Thou has reared a colored wallTwixt the night and day;Thou has made the flowers to bloomAnd the stars to shine;Hid rare gems of richest oreIn the tunneled mine;But chief…

Have You Thought About Your Soul?

[201 words] Have you ever stopped to wonderWhat this life is all about?Why you’re here and where you’re goingWhen your lease on time runs out? Maybe you’ve been far too busyTrying hard to reach your goal;Would you let me ask you kindly,Have you thought about your soul? You may reach the highest portals,And your dreams…

Do What You Can

[38 words] Do what you can, being what you are,Shine like a glow worm, if you can’t be a star.Work like a pulley, if you can’t be a crane,Be a wheel-greaser, if you can’t drive the train. Benjamin R. DeJong… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:1-8

[59 words] In these verses Jesus and His disciples are walking through __ on the Sabbath. “And His disciples were __, and began to pluck heads of grain and to __.” True or False: The Pharisees accused the disciples of stealing. “Yet I say to you that in this place there is One __ than…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:9-14

[54 words] In this section, Jesus went into a __. “And behold, there was a man who had a __ hand.” Jesus used an illustration of a man who saves a __ from a pit on the Sabbath day. “Therefore it is __ to do good on the __.” Seeing this, the Pharisees went to…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:15-21

[56 words] “And great __ followed Him, and He __ them all.” Jesus warned the people not to make Him known, in order to fulfill the prophesy of __. “Behold! My __ whom I have chosen, My __ in whom My soul is well pleased!” “A bruised __ He will not break…” “Till He sends…

Bible Quiz: Matthew 12:22-30

[69 words] “Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, __ and __…” The multitudes saw Jesus healing, and asked, “Could this be the Son of __?” The Pharisees accused Jesus of healing by using the power of __. “Every __ divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every __ or house divided…

Quotes and Sayings (January 2025)

“He who reflects too much will achieve little.” — J.C.F. von Schiller “The opportunity is often lost by deliberating.” — Publilius Syrus “Say you were standing with one foot in the oven and one foot in an ice bucket. According to the percentage people, you would be perfectly comfortable.” — Bobby Bragan “Facts are stubborn…

On the Lighter Side (January 2025)

A mechanic was working on the motor of a car when he spotted a famous surgeon standing off to the side of his shop. The mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hello, doctor! Please come over here for a minute.” The surgeon walked over. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag, and said,…

Money Cannot Buy Happiness

[293 words] The title of this article has almost become trite. If you search for the phrase, “Money cannot buy happiness,” literally hundreds of articles appear with the same or similar title. So why is it that people still seek after money with such diligence? A second question is comparable. Why do people seek things…
Walking in Park

Stepping Toward the Future

[369 words] The new year will soon be upon us and I’m sure we are all individually making plans for our future. As we make steps toward completing our desires and expectations, there are some things to remember. The great apostle Paul can help us through his example in Philippians 3:12-14. As we step toward…

Beautiful Wrapping, Empty Boxes

[156 words] This time of year, it is common to see empty boxes sitting out as decorations in stores and at events. These boxes are beautifully wrapped with colorful paper, ribbons and bows. However, there is nothing inside. Often, Children can’t tell that there is no gift inside the packing, so they ask: “Is one…

Ruined Religion

[245 words] Consider a man that most would consider the epitome of a good man. He serves at his church, he gives of his means, he prays daily, never misses Bible class, and has no vices to be seen. He has the “pure and faultless” religion James tells us about, he helps widows and is…

Many Professors Are Not Possessors

[260 words] In Matthew 7:21 Jesus makes an important statement: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.” Just because you call Jesus as Lord doesn’t mean you are part of his kingdom. You…

The Unclaimed Gift

[289 words] About a year ago, Jerald received a birthday card from a dear friend. Inside the card was a gift card to a popular eating establishment. The restaurant wasn’t one that Jerald frequented often, and it was located on the other side of town. He took the gift card and placed it on the…

My Soul for a Potato

[265 words] There was a man named Naboth who had a vineyard that was located next to King Ahab’s palace. (1 Kings 21) The king decided it would make a good vegetable garden for himself and proceeded to make offers to Naboth for the property. Because the vineyard had been in his family for generations,…

Hope For the Next Generation?

[456 words] “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). We must teach the Word of God to saints and sinners. Generations come and go, but the truth is the same and that message needs…

Why So Gloomy?

[152 words] Our world is full of sadness and sorrow. Death comes and takes our loved ones. Financial troubles wreck our future plans. Sickness robs us of the idyllic scene we had envisioned for our lives. If we are not disciplined, we let these rob us of a happy life. Jesus knew life would be…