Word Search: An Orderly Life (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)

An Orderly Life (1 These. 4:9-12) An Orderly Life – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Be Strong (Joshua 1:6-9)

Be Strong (Joshua 1:6-9) Be Strong – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a member?…

Word Search: Judgment Decreed (Genesis 6:5-8)

Judgment Decreed (Gen. 6:5-8) Judgment Decreed – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a member?…

Word Search: Good Gifts (Matthew 7:7-12)

Good Gifts (Matthew 7:7-12) Good Gifts – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a member?…

Word Search: David Strengthened Himself (1 Samuel 30:6)

David Strengthened Himself (1 Sam. 30:6) David Strengthened Himself – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: A Priest Forever (Psalm 110)

A Priest Forever (Psalm 110) A Priest Forever – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already…

Word Search: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22

1 Thess. 5:16-22 1 Thess. 5:16-22 – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a member?…

Word Search: Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-32)

Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-32) Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-32) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if…

Word Search: How We Know Love (1 John 3:16-18)

How We Know Love (1 John 3:16-18) How We Know Love solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: The Lord is My Portion (Psalm 16)

The Lord is My Portion (Psalm 16) The Lord is My Portion – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying…

Word Search: The Reward of Sin (Romans 6:20-23)

The Reward of Sin (Rom. 6:20-23) The Reward of Sin – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: Teach the Children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Teach the Children (Deut. 6:4-9) Teach the Children – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already…

Word Search: Two Ways of Life (Matthew 7:13-14)

Two Ways of Life (Matt. 7:13-14) Two Ways of Life – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-15)

You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-15) You Must Be Born Again – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying…

Word Search: The Call of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

The Call of Jeremiah (Jer. 1:4-10) The Call of Jeremiah – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: Everything Has Its Time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

Everything Has Its Time (Ecc. 3:1-8) Everything Has Its Time – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: Behave Like Christians (Romans 12:9-21)

Behave Like a Christian (Romans 12:9-21) Behave Like a Christian – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check).…

Word Search: With Thanksgiving (Psalm 95:1-7)

With Thanksgiving (Psalms 95:1-7) With Thanksgiving (Psalms 95:1-7) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Wise Decisions (Proverbs 14:15-19)

Wise Decisions (Prov. 14:15-19) Wise Decisions (Prov. 14:15-19) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Who Will Go? (Isaiah 6:8-10)

Who Will Go? (Isa. 6:8-10) Who Will Go? (Isa. 6:8-10) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Weeping Over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44)

Weeping Over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44) Weeping Over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Veterans of the Faith (Hebrews 11:13-16)

Veterans of the Faith (Heb. 11:13-16) Veterans of the Faith (Heb. 11:13-16) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by…

Word Search: The Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

The Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:23-26) The Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:23-26) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by…

Word Search: Spiritual Blessings (Ephesians 1:3-6)

Spiritual Blessings (Eph. 1:3-6) Spiritual Blessings (Eph. 1:3-6) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Sincere Faith (1 Timothy 1:5-7)

Sincere Faith (1 Tim. 1:5-7) Sincere Faith (1 Tim. 1:5-7) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: The Seven One’s (Ephesians 4:4-6)

The Seven One’s (Eph. 4:4-6) The Seven One’s (Eph. 4:4-6) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Self-Deception (James 1:16-18)

Self-Deception (James 1:16-18) Self-Deception (James 1:16-18) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a member? Log

Word Search: Pilate’s Question (Matthew 27:21-22)

Pilate’s Question (Matt. 27:21-22) Pilate’s Question (Matt. 27:21-22) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Origin of the Church (Matt. 16:17-18)

Origin of the Church (Matt. 16:17-18) Origin of the Church (Matt. 16:17-18) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by…

Word Search: Ninevah Repents (Jonah 3:5-10)

Ninevah Repents (Jonah 3:5-10) Ninevah Repents (Jonah 3:5-10) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Miracles Cease (1 Corinthians 13:8-10)

Miracles Cease (1 Cor. 13:8-10) Miracles Cease (1 Cor. 13:8-10) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)

Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45) Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Many Members, One Body (1 Corinthians 12:20-26)

Many Members, One Body (1 Cor. 12:20-26) Many Members, One Body (1 Cor. 12:20-26) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if…

Word Search: Love For All (Romans 12:14-21)

Love For All (Rom. 12:14-21) Love For All (Rom. 12:14-21) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Last Days (Joel 2:28-32)

Last Days (Joel 2:28-32) Last Days (Joel 2:28-32) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: How Will They Hear? (Romans 10:14-17)

How Will They Hear (Rom. 10:14-17) How Will They Hear (Rom. 10:14-17) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by…

Word Search: Hezekiah’s Relief (2 Kings 20:19)

Hezekiah’s Relief (2 Kings 20:19) Hezekiah’s Relief (2 Kings 20:19) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: God’s Desire (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

God’s Desire (1 Tim. 2:3-4) God’s Desire (1 Tim. 2:3-4) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Christ Lives (Galatians 2:20-21)

Christ Lives (Gal. 2:20-21) Christ Lives (Gal. 2:20-21) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already a…

Word Search: Christian Race (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

Christian Race (1 Cor. 9:24-27) Christian Race (1 Cor. 9:24-27) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Cheerful Giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7) Cheerful Giver (2 Cor. 9:6-7) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Be Holy (1 Peter 1:13-16)

Be Holy (1 Peter 1:13-16) Be Holy (1 Peter 1:13-16) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register

Word Search: Parable of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-35)

The Fig Tree (Matt. 24:32-35) The Fig Tree – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already…

Word Search: The Empty Tomb (Matthew 29:1-8)

The Empty Tomb (Matt. 28:1-8) The Empty Tomb – Solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by check). Register Already…

Will Our Kids Tear Their Clothes?

[415 words] When I was a kid in the 70’s, tearing your clothes was a horrible event. A mother’s admonition was, “Don’t tear a hole in your jeans, or I’ll have to patch them!” It was an accidental, tragic thing, usually occurring due to a child’s negligence.  In Bible times, though, tearing one’s clothes was…

What Makes a Good Judge?

[412 words] Our nation is once again in the midst of controversy regarding the appointing of a Supreme Court justice. Those on the left and those on the right will wrangle and grapple through the process, each having their own opinions on what makes a good judge. But does the Bible have any guidance for…

With All Your Mind

[125 words] Jesus said, “The great and first commandment:” “you shall love the Lord your God with all your…mind” (Matthew 22:37). The current spiritual battle is not fought with carnal weapons (swords, guns, bombs), but with ideas from the word of God. “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have…

Enemies Surrounding Me

[177 words] Many of the psalms David wrote referred to his many enemies surrounding him. In Psalm 57, he says, “My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men, Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword” (v.4).  Despite his adversaries, David was…

Is This Why America is in Trouble?

[566 words] Why did God overthrow governments in the Old Testament? Was it because of idolatry? Bloodshed? Oppression of the poor? Sexual sins and perversion? These sins stand out as reasons for the downfall of nations. But one evil was beneath these sins, and it often goes unnoticed as the cause of the demise of…

Truth Should Be Published!

[173 words] The first American multi-page newspaper was published on September 25, 1690, with a single edition of “Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick” appearing in Boston, Massachusetts. However, British authorities considered the newspaper offensive and ordered its immediate suppression due to its containing “reflections of a very high nature” and “sundry doubtful and uncertain…

You Sure Are Mean to Those That Love You

[350 words] Madge Wallace hated Harry Truman. Well, it was said she didn’t care much for anyone in Independence, Missouri but she seemed to really have it in for Harry. To her, he was just a “filthy farm boy.” Early on, she might have a point. Harry lost his family farm and failed at two…

A Teacher Come from God

[132 words] Scripture pictures Jesus as a Teacher come from God. Scripture says, “There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these…

Legislate Morality? 

[394 words] Of course morality can be legislated. More than that, morality must be legislated. We all believe it to be so.  Consider theft: We demand our government protect our property and punish the thief because we know that it is immoral to steal.  Consider murder: We demand our government punish the one who has…

Perils in Church Buildings?

[533 words] I was touring one of the oldest log church buildings in America when I noticed holes in the walls. “What are these holes?” I asked. A guide explained that they were drilled so men could put their rifles through the holes to shoot at indians if they attacked while the church was meeting.…

Racism is a Sin

[111 words] Racism is a terrible sin. The KJV calls it “respect of persons.” Every translation calls it “sin” (James 2:9). We are no to distinguish by race or nationality (Acts 10:24) or by dress or wealth (James 2:1-9) or by social or economic status (Ephesians 6:9). Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a time…

Coexistence or Confrontation?

[236 words] How do you approach the sinful world in which we live? Are we content to coexist with sinful people or do we creatively confront sinners? If we are content to coexist nothing changes. But if we creatively confront sinners they may repent; they may get angry with us; and they may even persecute…

What Is Edification?

[300 words] “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:19). Edification is not a word we use in everyday life. We don’t hear or read about it in the news. It’s not usually found on any TV drama or comedy. However, the Bible urges us…

Little Sharks, Big Jelly Fish

[350 words] Every time I go swimming in the ocean, someone inevitably warns me: watch out for sharks! I always do, but I’ve never seen one, I’ve never heard the “bom-bom-bom-bom” music that plays in the background when sharks come near! And it’s a good thing, because once you hear the music, it’s probably too…

Why Calamities?

[381 words] Webster’s dictionary defines calamity as: “a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering.” Without a doubt 2020 could be deemed the year of calamities. When pandemics, hurricanes, or wildfires hit, the question is asked by some: “Why did God allow it to happen?” I don’t claim to have all…

Scams and Excuses

[182 words] A friend shared this tongue-in-cheek warning: “Do not let them take your temperature as you are going into the store! It’s a scam! They’re erasing your memory! I went for bread, eggs, and vegetables…but I came home with soda pop, ice cream and candy!” I smiled as I read it because we can…

That’s Some Real Long Distance

[273 words] In 2006 the Federal government did something rather unusual, they repealed a tax. This was a three percent federal charge on long-distance phone calls. It was about time. The original purpose of the tax was to help fund American efforts in the Spanish-American War, which ran from April to August of 1898!  The…

Pardon Without Penalty? 

[333 words] According to Numbers 13, when the spies returned from their forty days of investigating the land God had promised them, there was a divided opinion presented to the people. It was not a difference involving facts. All twelve spies agreed that the land was good. In fact, it “flowed with milk and honey”…

Upside Down

[293 words] What impact should you as a Christian have on society? Should you be passive or active in the lives of the people around you? How do we help people become better? How can we help the sinner become a saint? We are sometimes reluctant to become involved in social change. We would rather…

Maturing in the Lord

[432 words] I enjoy doing the occasional woodworking project. It keeps my hands busy and allows extra time for thinking on life. To help improve my abilities in woodworking I subscribed to a wood magazine. I was excited to get my first issue and began the process of becoming a master craftsman! As I perused…

Bible Quiz: James 4:11-12

[59 words] “Do not speak __ of one another, brethren.” In this passage, a person who speaks evil of a brother and judges a brother also speaks evil of and judges the __. “But if you __ the law, you are not a doer of the law but a __.” How many Lawgivers does James…

Bible Quiz: James 4:13-17

[62 words] True or False: Christians are promised tomorrow. “For what is your __? It is even a __ that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” “Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord __, we shall live and do this or that.’” True or False: Boasting about the future is arrogance.…

Bible Quiz: James 5:1-6

[64 words] Who will weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon them?“Your __ and __ are corroded, and their corrosion will be a __ against you and eat your flesh like fire.”James says the rich kept back the __ of the laborers.“…the __ of the reapers have reached the ears of the…

Bible Quiz: James 5:7-12

[50 words] “Therefore be __, brethren, until the __ of the Lord.”What does the farmer wait for?“Do not __ against one another, brethren, lest you be __.”Who did James say was an example of suffering and patience?“But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by __ or by __ or with any other __.”…

Quotes and Sayings (October 2020)

“Nature gives to every time and season unique beauty; from morning to night, as from the cradle to the grave, it’s just a succession of changes so soft and comfortable that we hardly notice the progress.” — Charles Dickens “There is a harmony in autumn, and a lustre in its sky, which through the summer…

On The Lighter Side (October 2020)

A Punny Fall Q: Why did the lions move at the end of summer?A: Because the pride goeth before the fall! Did you hear about the tree who deserted the forest at the end of fall?He was absent without leaves! Q: Why do trees hate going back to school in the fall?A: Because they’re easily…

Word Search: A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-5)

A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-5) A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-5) solution… We are sorry, but this content is for Annual and Lifetime members only. You either are not yet a member (Register), have yet to confirm your email address (Check your email), or we have not received your payment yet (if paying by…

September 2020 Articles are Ready

Here it is September already! Since time gets away from us so quickly, we thought you’d like to know this month’s package of articles is ready and waiting for you on your membership page! This month we have a few articles that directly address social unrest in our country, along with a well-rounded set of…

Awaiting Justice

[211 words] Current events cause us to consider the idea of justice, and why some people seem to “get away” with hurting other people. This is not a new question, of course. David wrote about such things many times in the scriptures.  In Psalm 10, David voices the temptation to feel that God is “afar…

Fighting in Our Streets and God

[414 words] Nations reap what they sow just as individuals do. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17). This happens partly because rebellion against God is by nature self-destructive and partly because God providentially intervenes to chastise evil societies. In terms of the latter, one of…

Are You a Hero of Patience?

[150 words] Everyone loves a hero! We marvel at the mighty deeds of brave folks around us, and we wonder what it would take to be just like them. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes…

Our Spiritual Beauty

[144 words] A city dweller was being driven by a rancher over a blistering and almost barren stretch of desert when a large brightly-colored bird scurried across the road in front of them. The visitor asked what it was. “That’s a bird of paradise,” said the rancher. “Pretty long way from home, isn’t he!” remarked…

Lessons for Life

[338 words] “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life” (Proverbs 4:13). I won’t forget that day on the mountain. It was our first time for snow skiing, so lessons were suggested. Not me, I had been on water skis many times. I could do this. We…

Annie’s Death

[323 words] Charles and his wife were devastated. Their little girl, Annie, had died. Charles blamed himself and his wife because they were first cousins. While such inbreeding can cause birth defects, this was not the cause of Annie’s death. She, most likely, died of tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In other words, Annie…

The Christian Tree

[185 words] If a Christian were a tree, what should it look like? It would have roots that grow downward. Roots help with strength and stability. Roots also bring nutrients to the tree. Deeply rooted in the Scriptures the Christian can stand strong. It would be healthy inward. A tree must be healthy from the…

l Will Fear No Evil

[322 words] “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4). We live in a fearful age: Covid-19, quarantines, economic uncertainty, riots, and Chinese communist belligerence. Many are incapacitated with uncertainty and fear. But Paul declares: “God has not given us a spirit of fear,…

The Ballad of Fort McHenry

[318 words] On the evening of September 13, 1814 an American diplomat found himself stuck on a British vessel watching a fierce bombardment of Baltimore’s Fort McHenry. The state of affairs looked grim. As he spent the night detained by the enemy, Francis Scott Key looked out across the waters towards the American fort. But…

Why Has All This Happened to Us?

[366 words] The history of Gideon is fascinating. There is a reason why his story is so commonly shared with young people at Vacation Bible School, etc. But before he was smashing jars and blowing trumpets (Judges 7:19-21), he was wrestling with difficult questions.  And Gideon said to him, “Please, sir, if the LORD is…

The Providence of God

[472 words] We often rehearse what God has done for us in centuries now past, and such is proper. God created the world, made man, provided our salvation though Christ, and established the church. We are thankful for these mighty works of the past. Yet, we must not ignore the fact that God is still…

Bulimic Christians

[433 words] A couple of weeks ago I shared some observations from the book Point Man by Steve Farrar. The specific observation was dealing with Christians who are starving (anorexic) due to a lack of time spent in reading God’s Word and in prayer. Mr. Farrar also observes that there are Christians battling spiritual bulimia.…

Trees and Grace

[309 words] I have given a lot of thought on how to describe God’s grace, and I have come up with the following: Grace is like a tree. Now, stay with me on this: Only God can make a tree. As we know from the famous poem, only God can make a tree and only…

Lost in the Woods

[377 words] Everyone who has ever spent any time hiking or hunting in the forests of our land, knows of the possibility of getting lost. Some time ago, a teenager hunting in the Rocky Mountains with his father, discovered firsthand what it means to be lost. The young man did not see game in his…

She Hath Done What She Could

[470 words] These words spoken by Jesus memorialize the actions of a woman who anointed his head with a very valuable ointment. Several denounced the apparent waste of this expensive item, saying that it should have been sold to help the poor. Jesus defended her with the words used in the title above, found in…

Spiritual Growth

[344 words] Parents are rightly concerned about the physical development of their children. They will keep a close check on the height and weight of growing children. They will encourage them to eat food that will be healthy and will help them to grow stronger.  Christians of all ages need to be concerned about our…

The Six Most-Needed Things in the Church

[283 words] Conversion of the Members. The new birth consists of more than baptism. One has to be born of the Spirit and of the water. Those of us who have been baptized must have been led to believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the Lord of life. Conversion is in reality…

Providence Does Not Interfere With Nature

[236 words] Providence is one of the hardest concepts to understand in the Bible, yet it is taught, without any doubt. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, they did not have anything in mind other than ridding themselves of a “nuisance” and making a little extra money. Though Joseph handled the situation very well,…

Spiritual Myopathy

[335 words] Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That’s why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen” (2 Cor. 4:18). Poor eyesight has plagued me for the most part of my life. After more than ten surgeries, I still have poor eyesight.…

Heart Changes

[129 words] If people are to become like Jesus there must be heart changes. The result of these changes of heart will be changes in our behavior. The heart change is what gives room for God to work in our life. Realizing certain truths helps us to change our heart. We must learn from our…

Bible Quiz: James 3:6-12

[43 words] “And the __ is a fire, a world of __.”True or False: James says the tongue defiles the whole body.“But no man can __ the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly __.”What does “similitude” mean?“Thus no spring yields both __ __ and __.” Solution: tongue, iniquity; true; tame, poison; likeness;…

Bible Quiz: James 3:13-18

[56 words] If you are wise and understanding, you will show it by __ __.“But if you have __ __ and __ in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.”True or False: Self-seeking is demonic wisdom.Name some characteristics of wisdom that is from above.“Now the fruit of __ is sown in __…

Bible Quiz: James 4:1-6

[45 words] James says wars and fights among Christians come from __ for __.“Yet you do not __ because you do not __.”Some were asking amiss because they wanted to spend it on their __.“Do you not know that __ with the world is __ with God?”Who does God resist? Solution: desires, pleasure; have, ask;…

Bible Quiz: James 4:7-10

[50 words] “Therefore submit to __. Resist the __ and he will flee from you.”What should you do if you want God to draw near to you?“Cleanse your __, you sinners;”“Let your __ be turned to __ and your joy to gloom.”“__ yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will __ you up.”…

Quotes and Sayings (September 2020)

[266 words] “A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes longer.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see.” — Vincent Van Gogh “I would…

On the Lighter Side (September 2020)

Things Are Tough All OverMy wife and I went out for a leisurely drive to see the autumn leaves, when we noticed that one of the tires seemed to be getting low… She was a bit taken aback when I asked her for some change and asked, “Why in the world did they start charging…

‘My Membership’ Link Added to Menu

In an effort to cut down on some of the third-party software we use to run BulletinDigest.com, we have made some changes to the site you need to be aware of.  Previously after log in, members could click on the Bulletin Digest logo at the top and be returned to the Member Homepage. In place…

Henry Ford and Idle Words

[271 words] Ever say something you wish you hadn’t? Henry Ford did. In a 1916 interview with the Chicago Tribune, the American motor vehicle pioneer said, “What do we care about what they did 500 or 1,000 years ago? I don’t know whether Napoleon did or did not try to get across and I don’t…